Thursday, March 28, 2013
The minister of papaya
Mao Bora lives and works in Phnom Penh, where he sells papaya. With his sense of humor and brightly colored motorbike, Minister of Papaya brings energy to his everyday life, showing us that even the simplest actions can inspire hope.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
កំពូលអ្នកប្រដាល់ថៃ និងមានឈាមជ័រជាកូនខ្មែរសុរិន្ទ
កំពូលអ្នកប្រដាល់ថៃ និងមានឈាមជ័រជាកូនខ្មែរសុរិន្ទ បួខាវ បានចាម៉េក (Buakaw Ban Chamek) ដែលមានឈ្មោះបោះសំឡេងល្បីពេញពិភពលោក បានមកទឹកដីព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជាហើយកាលព្រឹកថ្ងៃអង្គារ ទី២៦ មីនា ដើម្បីត្រៀមខ្លួន សម្រាប់ការប្រកួតជាមួយកីឡាករអូស្រ្តាលី Harlee Avison
នៅរាត្រីថ្ងៃពុធ ទី២៧ ខែមីនានេះ នៅសង្វៀន Beeline Arena ដែលនឹងត្រូវធ្វើការផ្សាយបន្តផ្ទាល់នៅលើកញ្ចក់ទូរទស្សន៍បាយ័នព័ត៌មាន។
The greatest Thai boxer, who has Khmer Surin's blood , Buakaw Ban Chamek has arrived to the Kingdom of Cambodia
on Tuesday Morning of March 26. He will prepare himself in order to compete against Australian boxer Harlee Avison
on March 27 at Beeline Arena. It will be live on Bayon News Television.
នៅរាត្រីថ្ងៃពុធ ទី២៧ ខែមីនានេះ នៅសង្វៀន Beeline Arena ដែលនឹងត្រូវធ្វើការផ្សាយបន្តផ្ទាល់នៅលើកញ្ចក់ទូរទស្សន៍បាយ័នព័ត៌មាន។
The greatest Thai boxer, who has Khmer Surin's blood , Buakaw Ban Chamek has arrived to the Kingdom of Cambodia
on Tuesday Morning of March 26. He will prepare himself in order to compete against Australian boxer Harlee Avison
on March 27 at Beeline Arena. It will be live on Bayon News Television.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Buakaw Banchamek is ready to fight
Buakaw Banchamek ត្រៀមខ្លួនរួចរាល់ហើយ សំរាប់ការប្រកួតនៅថ្ងៃទី 27 ខែមិនា នៅ ទីលាន Beeline!!! តើលោកអ្នកត្រៀមខ្លួនហើយ ឬនៅសំរាប់ កម្មវិធីប្រកួត ដ៏អស្ចារ្យ ប្រចាំឆ្នាំនេះ? លោកអ្នកអាចចូលទស្សនាបានដោយសេរី!!!
Buakaw Banchamek is ready to fight on 27th March at the Beeline Arena!! Are you ready for one of the greatest fighting event of the year??? FREE ENTRANCE!!
Monday, March 18, 2013
13 issues in Cambodia to be raised and find out technology solution in Tech Camp Phnom Penh in 2013
1. Games in education can make learning fun! There are very limited Khmer games to aid in Cambodian education. What kind of intellectual game(s) can we build in the classroom for Cambodian students that will bring back the fun in learning?
2. The majority of Cambodian parents are not actively involved with their children’s teachers and school activities. How can we promote more parent involvement with a child’s education?
3. It is easy for NGOs to track and manage donations from overseas donors where credit cards and online money transfers are widely used. On the other hand, donations from Cambodians can be very challenging in a cash economy. What alternatives can we use to encourage and make it easier for Cambodians to donate money using technology?
4. Overseas donors feel disconnected from the NGOs they are sponsoring. How can we bridge the gap and build relationships between beneficiaries and the people they are benefiting (noting language issues, access to technology, literacy, etc)?
Women’s Empowerment
5. Women who experience domestic violence are afraid to speak publicly about it. They fear being humiliated and rejected from their families. How can we use technology to help women report domestic violence and rape without the fear of more suffering?
6. Women in Cambodia have limited access to information, especially in rural areas. Without access to information, women are powerless to be effective decision makers in their communities. How do we encourage, educate and inform women to become effective leaders in Cambodian society?
7. There is very little input from the general public when it comes to government projects and spending. What possible ways can an individual/the public voice their concerns and feedback on government projects and spending?
8. Corruption exists in all sectors of Cambodian society. How can the public report corruption cases without the fear of harassment and intimidation?
9. In rural areas, young people are being empowered to address issues in their communities but their voices are really limited to the local area. How can youth in rural areas be empowered to amplify their voice and collaborate to address their issues?
10. Young Cambodian graduates are having a hard time finding jobs right out of college. How can we create opportunities for students to find internships and work experience to make them more competitive before graduating?
11. Young Cambodians are very discouraged from starting up a company and becoming an entrepreneur. They are limited in funding, resources and education on how to start a company. How can we use technology to promote entrepreneurship among the youth in Cambodia?
Online Communities
12. There are about 2,000 NGOs in Cambodia but most Cambodians know very little about the work they do. How can we create a space for Cambodians to be more involved with the issues that NGOs are working on here in Cambodia?
13. With NGOs working in all provinces of Cambodia, there is no easy way to find out where each project is being deployed for each NGO. This makes it hard for NGOs to partner with another NGO that might have projects in their area. How can we work together and effectively map where an NGO has their projects deployed?
Resource: Cambodia IT Association
1. Games in education can make learning fun! There are very limited Khmer games to aid in Cambodian education. What kind of intellectual game(s) can we build in the classroom for Cambodian students that will bring back the fun in learning?
2. The majority of Cambodian parents are not actively involved with their children’s teachers and school activities. How can we promote more parent involvement with a child’s education?
3. It is easy for NGOs to track and manage donations from overseas donors where credit cards and online money transfers are widely used. On the other hand, donations from Cambodians can be very challenging in a cash economy. What alternatives can we use to encourage and make it easier for Cambodians to donate money using technology?
4. Overseas donors feel disconnected from the NGOs they are sponsoring. How can we bridge the gap and build relationships between beneficiaries and the people they are benefiting (noting language issues, access to technology, literacy, etc)?
Women’s Empowerment
5. Women who experience domestic violence are afraid to speak publicly about it. They fear being humiliated and rejected from their families. How can we use technology to help women report domestic violence and rape without the fear of more suffering?
6. Women in Cambodia have limited access to information, especially in rural areas. Without access to information, women are powerless to be effective decision makers in their communities. How do we encourage, educate and inform women to become effective leaders in Cambodian society?
7. There is very little input from the general public when it comes to government projects and spending. What possible ways can an individual/the public voice their concerns and feedback on government projects and spending?
8. Corruption exists in all sectors of Cambodian society. How can the public report corruption cases without the fear of harassment and intimidation?
9. In rural areas, young people are being empowered to address issues in their communities but their voices are really limited to the local area. How can youth in rural areas be empowered to amplify their voice and collaborate to address their issues?
10. Young Cambodian graduates are having a hard time finding jobs right out of college. How can we create opportunities for students to find internships and work experience to make them more competitive before graduating?
11. Young Cambodians are very discouraged from starting up a company and becoming an entrepreneur. They are limited in funding, resources and education on how to start a company. How can we use technology to promote entrepreneurship among the youth in Cambodia?
Online Communities
12. There are about 2,000 NGOs in Cambodia but most Cambodians know very little about the work they do. How can we create a space for Cambodians to be more involved with the issues that NGOs are working on here in Cambodia?
13. With NGOs working in all provinces of Cambodia, there is no easy way to find out where each project is being deployed for each NGO. This makes it hard for NGOs to partner with another NGO that might have projects in their area. How can we work together and effectively map where an NGO has their projects deployed?
Resource: Cambodia IT Association
Bayon Khmer tattoo
An European guy had a Bayon Khmer tattoo on his body. It's awesome!!! :)
By : Rsd Siden
~~Cambodian Admins
By : Rsd Siden
~~Cambodian Admins
Discover a Future Unlimited
Australia is a young and vibrant country – and we engage with the world with positivity, determination and a keen sense of what’s possible. It’s a resolute spirit that goes right through to our approach to teaching and learning – to inspire confidence, create real-world skills, and encourage independent thinking, teamwork and leadership.
Our institutions are focused on the future. And they have the track record to prove it – boasting world-firsts in research and innovation, as well as advancements in new technologies, new cures and new ways of shaping a better, more sustainable planet. Australian qualifications are also recognised throughout the world.
An Australian education equips people with the knowledge, skills and networks that will last a lifetime – and gives every student that studies with us the foundation they need for a Future Unlimited.
This video was produced by M&C Saatchi and Animal Logic, the producers of the Academy Award winning film Happy Feet. The music was created by Johnny Green, an Australian music producer based in New York.
Resource: studyinaustralia
Sunday, March 17, 2013
ឲ្យប្រពន្ធស៊ីសៀង ឲ្យនាងស៊ីស៊ុប
ពោល = មានរឿងពិបាកក្នុងចិត្តតិចតួច តែបើមិននិយាយវាទៅនែនក្នុងទ្រូង តែបើនិយាយទៅវាខ្មាស់គេ តោះយាយម៉ងទៅ
I. ឲ្យប្រពន្ធស៊ីសៀង ឲ្យនាងដល់ស៊ីស៊ុប ឲ្យតែប្រឡប់ញុំនេះមិនចេះនៅផ្ទះ បាយលេបមិនចូលវាចេះតែអួលព្រោះបាយឆ្នាំងចាស់ បើបាយក្រៅផ្ទះសូមប្រាប់ត្រង់ចុះស៊ីមិនឲ្យចាញ់ជ្រូក។
II. បើនិយាយរឿងស្រវឹងញុំតែងវង្វេងមិនដឹងអី ខ្លួនដេកលើដីស្រម៉ៃថាដេកលើពូក មនុស្សពីរបីនាក់
មកដាស់មិនភ្ញាក់ ថាវាបានគុណជ្រូកមកឈ្មួសអ៊ូកៗ ឲ្យខ្ញុំភ័យភ្លួកទឹកភ្លួកដី។
R១. មែនរត់ក្លាយជ្រូកប៉ុន្តែក្លាយរឿងម៉្យាងស្រវឹងដេកជ្ងាងក្លាយណាស់ឡានអាឡូកិនដី ញុំខឹងខ្លាំងពេកស្ទុះ
វឹងទៅទះជ្រូកបីដៃ ថ្ងៃនេះហេងអីម្ចាស់ជ្រូកដឹកដៃចូលប៉ុស្តិ៏ប៉ូលីស។
R២. ម៉ែក្មេកឪក្មេកមកតាមសួរដល់ប៉ុស្តិ៏ ម៉ែសូរត្រង់ចុះកូនប្រុស កូនខុសរឿងអី ញុំជោបានចិត្តខំប្រឹងចម្ទឹតស្រែកយំរនាលដី កូនមិនខុសអីទះជ្រូកបីព្រោះជ្រូកវាឈ្លើយ។
III. អីឡូវទុកធំប្រពន្ធមិនឲ្យចូលផ្ទះ លើកដៃសំពះម៉ែក្មេកក៏ធ្វើប្រងើយ បងថ្លៃប្អូនថ្លៃធ្លាប់ផឹករាល់ង៉ៃ
ក៏គេកន្តើយ ហួញចប់បណ្តោយបងឈប់ខូចហើយណាម៉ែប្រពន្ធ។
ពោល = ហ៊ើយ ហឺ អោម្ចាស់ទឹកដីលោកហើយជួយពន្យល់សប្តិប្រពន្ធញុំ ឃើញមុខប្តីស្លូត ប្តីល្អ ឈប់ខឹងប្តីទៅណែបងប្អូនចឹងដែរកាលណាឃើញញុំនៅផ្ទះកុំបបួលញុំផឹកឲ្យសោះ បើទូរសព្ទមកដឹងអែម
ហាស ហាស……….

I. ឲ្យប្រពន្ធស៊ីសៀង ឲ្យនាងដល់ស៊ីស៊ុប ឲ្យតែប្រឡប់ញុំនេះមិនចេះនៅផ្ទះ បាយលេបមិនចូលវាចេះតែអួលព្រោះបាយឆ្នាំងចាស់ បើបាយក្រៅផ្ទះសូមប្រាប់ត្រង់ចុះស៊ីមិនឲ្យចាញ់ជ្រូក។
II. បើនិយាយរឿងស្រវឹងញុំតែងវង្វេងមិនដឹងអី ខ្លួនដេកលើដីស្រម៉ៃថាដេកលើពូក មនុស្សពីរបីនាក់
មកដាស់មិនភ្ញាក់ ថាវាបានគុណជ្រូកមកឈ្មួសអ៊ូកៗ ឲ្យខ្ញុំភ័យភ្លួកទឹកភ្លួកដី។
R១. មែនរត់ក្លាយជ្រូកប៉ុន្តែក្លាយរឿងម៉្យាងស្រវឹងដេកជ្ងាងក្លាយណាស់ឡានអាឡូកិនដី ញុំខឹងខ្លាំងពេកស្ទុះ
វឹងទៅទះជ្រូកបីដៃ ថ្ងៃនេះហេងអីម្ចាស់ជ្រូកដឹកដៃចូលប៉ុស្តិ៏ប៉ូលីស។
R២. ម៉ែក្មេកឪក្មេកមកតាមសួរដល់ប៉ុស្តិ៏ ម៉ែសូរត្រង់ចុះកូនប្រុស កូនខុសរឿងអី ញុំជោបានចិត្តខំប្រឹងចម្ទឹតស្រែកយំរនាលដី កូនមិនខុសអីទះជ្រូកបីព្រោះជ្រូកវាឈ្លើយ។
III. អីឡូវទុកធំប្រពន្ធមិនឲ្យចូលផ្ទះ លើកដៃសំពះម៉ែក្មេកក៏ធ្វើប្រងើយ បងថ្លៃប្អូនថ្លៃធ្លាប់ផឹករាល់ង៉ៃ
ក៏គេកន្តើយ ហួញចប់បណ្តោយបងឈប់ខូចហើយណាម៉ែប្រពន្ធ។
ពោល = ហ៊ើយ ហឺ អោម្ចាស់ទឹកដីលោកហើយជួយពន្យល់សប្តិប្រពន្ធញុំ ឃើញមុខប្តីស្លូត ប្តីល្អ ឈប់ខឹងប្តីទៅណែបងប្អូនចឹងដែរកាលណាឃើញញុំនៅផ្ទះកុំបបួលញុំផឹកឲ្យសោះ បើទូរសព្ទមកដឹងអែម
ហាស ហាស……….

Friday, March 15, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Credited by: Samnang Chea
អង្គារដី ជារុក្ខជាតិម្យ៉ាងដែលមានប្រយោជន៍ច្រើន ព្រោះវាឆាប់ធំ ដែលមានប្រយោជន៍ខ្លាំងពីរយ៉ាង គឺយកវាធ្វើអុសដុត ដែលនាំឲ្យយើងអាចយកវាមកជំនួសការ កាប់ព្រៃមកដុត។
ម្យ៉ាងទៀត ផ្កានេះអាចយកមកធ្វើជាបន្លែ ពិសេសបន្លែកកូរដ៏មានឳជារសឆ្ងាញ់ពិសារផងដែរ។
អង្គារដីមានពីរប្រភេទ មានពណ៌ស និងពណ៌ក្រុហម ពណ៌ស ផ្កាវាមិនសូវមានរសជាតិឡើយ ប៉ុន្តែស្លឹកខ្ចី«ត្រួយ»របស់វាមានរសជាតិពិសេសណាស់ សម្រាប់សម្លរកកូ និងប្រហើរ ហើយអង្គារដីស ក៏មានដើមធំជាងអង្គារដីក្រហមផងដែរ។
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6 Things Every Customer Wants
Contrary to popular belief, customers are less interested in price than in these six things.
All customers want the highest quality at the lowest price, right? Well, sort of. That stuff is important but, surprisingly, the quality vs. price formula is not usually on the top of the customer's list of concerns, especially when it comes to selling B2B.
According to numerous surveys, B2B customers want the following six things from the people who sell to them:
1. Preparation
Customers want you to do your homework before talking with them. They resent it when you ask questions that can easily be answered by a few minutes on the Web.
- Wrong: "And your VP of manufacturing is who?"
- Right: "How are purchasing decisions made between the manufacturing and engineering group?"
2. Simplicity
Customers, like everyone else, must cope with the complexities of business. They want you to make what you're selling simple but without being simplistic.
- Wrong: ", the enterprise cloud computing company, today announced new next generation social analytics for the Marketing Cloud. With the expanded Marketing Cloud ecosystem, which now includes 20 industry leading social analytics vendors, companies are able to make better business decisions based on the massive amounts of social media data created every day, all from a single dashboard." (BTW, this is a real example, selected pretty much at random.)
- Right: "We make it easier to find sales prospects on the web by gathering the results from multiple social media searches into a single convenient place."
3. Creativity
Customers already have ideas on how to solve their problems and create their opportunities. They want you to surface new ideas that won't turn up during in-house discussions.
- Wrong: "We can address your list of requirements."
- Right: "Have you considered an alliance that might let you outsource that function?"
4. Loyalty
Customers are risking their companies and careers by doing business with you. They therefore want you to represent THEIR interests and not just those of your company.
- Wrong: "Is there any reason why you wouldn't buy from us?" (Move to the close.)
- Right: "If you're not 100% certain this is a good idea, then we should reassess the situation together."
5. Accessibility
Customers want to know they're a priority and that you'll get back to them immediately if they have a problem. If you don't, they conclude they're not important to you.
- Wrong: (recording) "I'm out of the office for a few days. Leave a message and I'll get back to you when I return."
- Right: (recording) "If this is important, please text me at [number]. Otherwise leave a message."
6. Accountability
Customers don't want you to pass the buck to anybody else in your company. If they're going to work with you, they want your skin in the game.
- Wrong: "You'll have to take that up with the sale support team."
- Right: "I will call the sales support team right now and have them give your problem immediate attention."
12 Great Motivational Quotes for 2013
This set of inspirational thoughts for the new year will galvanize you into action.
At the start of every year, I create a list of quotes to guide and inspire me for the next 12 months. Here are the quotes I've selected for 2013:
- "Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."
Napoleon Hill - "The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear."
Brian Tracy - "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
Dale Carnegie - "Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats."
Og Mandino - "A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided."
Tony Robbins - "If you can't control your anger, you are as helpless as a city without walls waiting to be attacked."
The Book of Proverbs - A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A superior person demonstrates. A great person inspires others to see for themselves."
Harvey Mackay - "Freedom, privileges, options, must constantly be exercised, even at the risk of inconvenience."
Jack Vance - "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."
Jim Rohn - "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."
Zig Ziglar - "The number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying."
Tom Hopkins - "You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself."
Seth Godin
Ubuntu One Cloud storage service
What is Ubuntu One?
Ubuntu One is the personal cloud that brings your digital life together, so you can enjoy your content, your way, wherever you are. With our suite of cloud services including storage, sync, sharing and streaming - you have immediate access to your music collection, favorite photos, videos, important documents and more, at any time and from any device.
Ubuntu One is easy to install and easy to use – everyone gets our sync services and 5 GB of storage for free, and if you pay a little extra, you can add Music Streaming and Storage to suit your own needs.
Ubuntu One, Ubuntu, and Canonical - Who are we?
Ubuntu One was initially launched in May 2009 to provide sustainable revenue for Ubuntu, the world’s most popular free operating system, which is commercially backed by Canonical.
Canonical - driven by founder Mark Shuttleworth’s original vision to create software platforms that compete with the best but are free to use, share and develop - has come a long way since its launch in 2004. With over 400 staff in more than 30 countries, and offices in London, Boston, Taipei, Montreal and the Isle of Man, Canonical works with the open-source community to make each new edition of Ubuntu faster, easier and more intuitive than ever.
The Ubuntu One team is spread across three continents and works hard to continuously improve live services as well as regularly release new features. We thrive on delighting our users with services that solve real problems and enable you to enjoy all your digital content easily, wherever you are.
It’s easy to start using Ubuntu One. Just download and install Ubuntu One for Windows. Next, set up an Ubuntu One Free account and you’ll get 5 GB of free storage so you can store and sync your files, photos, videos and music. Once you’re done, you can access your files on your desktop, on the web or on your mobile, wherever you are!
Your personal cloud

Ubuntu One makes it easy to back up, sync and access your files, folders, photos and music from anywhere.
Simply select which folders you want to sync to your personal cloud by adding them to the sync list. Ubuntu One will take care of the rest.
Access files from anywhere

Out and about or travelling the world? With Ubuntu One it’s easy to access all your folders, files and photos wherever you are. You can manage your Ubuntu One personal cloud from any computer via the web or install Ubuntu One on additional computers. You can even access and share files and photos from your Android device. And, with our Music Streaming service, you can listen to your entire music collection on your Android or iPhone device too!
Share and collaborate

Need to collaborate on a presentation with colleagues? Want to share your holiday pictures with friends and family? Sharing with Ubuntu One is easy and secure. You can invite someone to share your files, or create a short link and post it to your social spaces like Facebook and Twitter.
Ready to go?
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WordPress 3.5.1 Maintenance and Security Release
WordPress 3.5.1 is now available. Version 3.5.1 is the first maintenance release of 3.5, fixing 37 bugs. It is also a security release for all previous WordPress versions. For a full list of changes, consult the list of tickets and the changelog, which include:
- Editor: Prevent certain HTML elements from being unexpectedly removed or modified in rare cases.
- Media: Fix a collection of minor workflow and compatibility issues in the new media manager.
- Networks: Suggest proper rewrite rules when creating a new network.
- Prevent scheduled posts from being stripped of certain HTML, such as video embeds, when they are published.
- Work around some misconfigurations that may have caused some JavaScript in the WordPress admin area to fail.
- Suppress some warnings that could occur when a plugin misused the database or user APIs.
Additionally, a bug affecting Windows servers running IIS can prevent updating from 3.5 to 3.5.1. If you receive the error “Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable,” you will need to follow the steps outlined on the Codex.
WordPress 3.5.1 also addresses the following security issues:
- A server-side request forgery vulnerability and remote port scanning using pingbacks. This vulnerability, which could potentially be used to expose information and compromise a site, affects all previous WordPress versions. This was fixed by the WordPress security team. We’d like to thank security researchers Gennady Kovshenin and Ryan Dewhurst for reviewing our work.
- Two instances of cross-site scripting via shortcodes and post content. These issues were discovered by Jon Cave of the WordPress security team.
- A cross-site scripting vulnerability in the external library Plupload. Thanks to the Moxiecode team for working with us on this, and for releasing Plupload 1.5.5 to address this issue.
Download 3.5.1 or visit Dashboard → Updates in your site admin to update now.
Resource: wordpress
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
How to Have a Meaningful Conversation
Here are four simple ways to ensure that every business conversation is productive.
Everybody knows how to have a conversation because they've been having them since they were toddlers. However, most people develop bad habits that almost guarantee that their business conversations will sometimes be meaningless wastes of time.
Here's a simple four step process for making certain that every work conversation that you have is both meaningful and worth having.
1. Know WHY you're having the conversation.
Every conversation must have a point, or there's no point in having it. With friends and family, the "point" is often to simply enjoy each other's company. You already know how to do that. Hey, relax and have fun.
In business, though, there's always an agenda to every conversation, even if it seems as if the conversation is only to "get to know" you better (or vice-versa), until such time as your co-worker becomes a friend or a family member.
Therefore, whenever you start a conversation with a co-worker (and this includes customers, bosses, colleagues, and the guy who empties the trash), have an explicit goal in mind. That way you're less likely to waste time and energy.
Similarly, if somebody opens a conversation with you, it's worthwhile to wonder why the conversation is happening and why now. It's not worth obsessing about, but if you've got a sense of the "why" it's easier to get "where" the conversation needs to go.
2. Ignore your "monkey mind."
The ancient Chinese believed everyone has a "monkey mind" that jumps from thought to thought, like so:
- What is she thinking about me?
- Will I make a sale?
- What if I can't pay the mortgage?
- Gosh, that wallpaper is ugly.
- I've got to get the airport in two hours.
- Etc., etc., etc.
This constant mental noise pulls your attention away from the customer and towards your own perspectives, priorities and goals.
If you listen to your "monkey mind," you'll only hear a percentage of what the other person is saying. In all likelihood, you'll misunderstand and misremember what was said.
3. Acknowledge what you've heard.
When the other person has finished speaking, re-describe, and characterize what the other person just said. This confirms that you were really listening to the other person, rather than your internal dialog ("monkey mind").
It also prevents you from continuing the conversation based upon a misunderstanding. The restatement gives the other person an opportunity to correct your perception or elaborate as necessary to make sure that you "get it."
4. Think and then respond.
Pause a moment to consider what you heard and have echoed back. Respond with a statement, story, or question that adds to the conversation and moves it closer to its point and purpose.
Having this kind of conversation is both difficult and easy. It's difficult because some people's "monkey minds" are the size of King Kong and chatter so loudly that they can't hear anything else.
However, once you've learned to ignore the chatter, this way of listening, reflecting, and talking quickly becomes second nature. And that's the easy part.
Resource: inc
Principle Mastery of Leadership
Principle Mastery of Leadership 16-17 March 2013.
1. To help delegates/participants to realize that there is a true leader inside every person.
“Everyone Is A Leader”
2. To help delegates/participants to develop leadership skills from the heart by having core
values, mission statement, personal influence, and personal power.
3. To raise personal responsibility and team spirits among delegates/participants and
encourage them to be best of the best (BoB) of themselves and at their workplace.
4. To help delegates/participants to practice and exercise the strategies and principles of
effective communication (the self, the topic, and the audience), 360 Degree Leadership
(Lead Up, Lead Down, and Lead Across).
5. To help delegates/participants living a balanced life and leaving a great legacy for the next
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