Monday, March 18, 2013

13 issues in Cambodia to be raised and find out technology solution in Tech Camp Phnom Penh in 2013


1. Games in education can make learning fun! There are very limited Khmer games to aid in Cambodian education. What kind of intellectual game(s) can we build in the classroom for Cambodian students that will bring back the fun in learning?
2. The majority of Cambodian parents are not actively involved with their children’s teachers and school activities. How can we promote more parent involvement with a child’s education?


3. It is easy for NGOs to track and manage donations from overseas donors where credit cards and online money transfers are widely used. On the other hand, donations from Cambodians can be very challenging in a cash economy. What alternatives can we use to encourage and make it easier for Cambodians to donate money using technology?
4. Overseas donors feel disconnected from the NGOs they are sponsoring. How can we bridge the gap and build relationships between beneficiaries and the people they are benefiting (noting language issues, access to technology, literacy, etc)?

Women’s Empowerment

5. Women who experience domestic violence are afraid to speak publicly about it. They fear being humiliated and rejected from their families. How can we use technology to help women report domestic violence and rape without the fear of more suffering?
6. Women in Cambodia have limited access to information, especially in rural areas. Without access to information, women are powerless to be effective decision makers in their communities. How do we encourage, educate and inform women to become effective leaders in Cambodian society?


7. There is very little input from the general public when it comes to government projects and spending. What possible ways can an individual/the public voice their concerns and feedback on government projects and spending?
8. Corruption exists in all sectors of Cambodian society. How can the public report corruption cases without the fear of harassment and intimidation?


9. In rural areas, young people are being empowered to address issues in their communities but their voices are really limited to the local area. How can youth in rural areas be empowered to amplify their voice and collaborate to address their issues?
10. Young Cambodian graduates are having a hard time finding jobs right out of college. How can we create opportunities for students to find internships and work experience to make them more competitive before graduating?


11. Young Cambodians are very discouraged from starting up a company and becoming an entrepreneur. They are limited in funding, resources and education on how to start a company. How can we use technology to promote entrepreneurship among the youth in Cambodia?

Online Communities

12. There are about 2,000 NGOs in Cambodia but most Cambodians know very little about the work they do. How can we create a space for Cambodians to be more involved with the issues that NGOs are working on here in Cambodia?

13. With NGOs working in all provinces of Cambodia, there is no easy way to find out where each project is being deployed for each NGO. This makes it hard for NGOs to partner with another NGO that might have projects in their area. How can we work together and effectively map where an NGO has their projects deployed?

Resource: Cambodia IT Association

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