Thursday, September 26, 2013

3 Things You Didn't Know About Mobile (But Should)

If you're halfway paying attention, you know mobile is big. But just how big? Early results from a massive study shed light on the topic.

Mobile is important, right? There are all those many hundreds of millions of people who can use their smartphones and tablets on the Internet to do research, view videos, and see consumer product recommendations. Smart marketers and entrepreneurs know that mobile is a must.
But that's often just a vague sense, like so many trends in business that exist because enough people point to them and say, "Look, there's a trend!" Consultants, vendors, and would-be gurus all want business owners and managers to buy into whatever it is that they're selling.
Here is some data coming out of AOL and University of Virginia researchers about how consumers are using mobile. (Disclosure: I write for AOL Jobs, among other places, though I learned of this independently.) What makes it interesting is two-fold.
First, someone crunched through a hell of a lot of data: 500 billion online ad impressions in travel, retail, auto, and telecom and 100 million conversion events across all devices. The conversion events were booking a hotel, flight, or car reservation for travel; making a purchase for retail; finding a local dealer, requesting more information, or configuring a car for auto; and purchasing of new plans and devices for telecom.
Although volume doesn't necessarily make information representative of markets as a whole, take an honest look at enough of it and, almost by definition, you have something that is of interest to businesses. Second, some of the results show that mobile may be taking off faster than most people, including industry cheerleaders, expected.
Mobile is important for conversions
In these four industries at least, 31 percent of conversion events happened on a mobile device, and that was up by 28 percent from the previous year. Telecom had the highest mobile conversion at 37 percent, while the lowest was 20 percent for travel. If you aren't advertising smartly on mobile, chances are you're giving away a chance to do business.
Mobile is big at home
Mobile is supposed to be when people are on the go. But apparently much of the public's get-up-and-go got up and went. Consumers spent 25 percent of their online time at home on a smartphone or tablet and three-quarters of all mobile ad impressions happened at home. That can affect how you structure a marketing program.
iPads really sell
You knew that iPads were the biggest seller in the tablet space, though devices running Android are quickly catching up. But when it comes to selling products, iPad is king by a long shot. About 65 percent of mobile conversions happened on tablets and 85 percent of those happened on iOS devices. No way to know whether that is due to the total volume that has shipped or if iPad owners are more likely to respond to advertising.
It's impossible to know whether there is a novelty factor at work--people taking action because the whole process of using a tablet is still relatively new, which would leave room for conversion rates to drop over time. However, the prudent approach for entrepreneurs for now is to make sure they treat mobile as an important marketing channel and one often used at home, so don't assume that mobile is only good for catching people when they are near your establishment.
Author: Erik Sherman

Android vs. iOS: Which Is Better for Mobile Start-ups?

For years, app developers have assumed that building for Apple first was a smart strategy. But maybe that's not the case after all.

Until recently, mobile app developers have generally thought that if you wanted to make money, you'd bring your product to the iPhone and iPad on Apple's operating system. That's where the money was, according to Steve Jobs and then Tim Cook, who would talk about the billions paid to app developers. After all, when's the last time you heard Eric Schmidt or Larry Page brag about the amount of money they paid to Android developers?
But even a few years ago there were signs that a default to Apple might not be the best choice for all developers. Today, there are increasing signs that software entrepreneurs might be wise to rethink their strategies, as developer Will Whitney writes. According to Whitney, there are some significant reasons why a developer might start to focus more on Android than on iOS.
Punitive Development Cycle
Apple has always been controlling of its app ecosystem since it first started, but the grip has become tighter to the detriment of many developers. Creating and releasing any iOS app means going through Apple's bureaucracy, because you can only provide apps through the Apple App Store. Rather than be able to use the modern process of incrementally improving software through multiple releases, developers are effectively forced to create a fairly complete version of an app before learning whether they're even doing something that the public will find of interest, let alone how user demands will influence the software's design. The contrast is Google's Android, in which developers can quickly bring software to market, see what needs to be changed, and then fix it.
Android Is a More Needy Market
There are hundreds of thousands of apps on mobile platforms--enough to create app overload. The number of new apps is so large that few people have the time to wade through them, especially as they already have their favorites. Although the number of apps grows, the amount of time that people spend with them apparently doesn't, the New York Times recently reported. To get anywhere, you have to get attention. Whitney argues that standing out is much easier on Android because they are "starved for beautiful apps." Provide good design with great functionality and chances are better that you can get attention from the press and users.
iPhone No Longer Has an Advantage
The smartphone market--or about 80 percent of it globally--belongs to Android devices. The days of Apple having the bulk of users are gone. The basic capabilities of both platforms are roughly equivalent, and some people are arguing that Android has become the superior one.
Is the Real Answer Neither?
But the bigger question is whether entrepreneurs can make money on mobile apps. Apple has reportedly been better at passing dollars on to app developers, and yet, on the average, an app will gross just under $18,000, not including any costs. That's average. Look at how heavily downloads are weighted toward a relative handful of apps and the amount that most apps really make is fairly insignificant. Maybe the question isn't so much about iOS versus Android, but how difficult it will be to build a business on making and selling mobile apps.
Author: Erik Sherman

Google Play Books Come to New Zealand and Eight Asian Countries

Google has made Play Books available in New Zealand as well as eight Asian countries: Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
The move comes after the company launched Google Play Books in India in February, as well as nine European countries in July.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Chrome has updated

Updating Google Chrome is essential for your security, and will give you access to Google Chrome's latest features. 

It is time for you to update Google Chrome's latest features to discover new experiences. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wise Up: 5 Things to Study This Weekend

From social media to tech, spend this weekend boning up on some subjects to bolster your business.
As NFL season gets underway, sports fans will get to witness some of the best athletes in the world evolve. 
Every year, a select group stands out, thanks to their training and conditioning. But above all, they're constantly learning, discovering new techniques and expanding their understanding of how the game works. 
Often, the players who are already successful understand the need to broaden their knowledge. This should serve as an example to small business owners, because regardless of what you’ve achieved, if you’re not learning something new, you may be falling behind.
As the weekend draws near, here are five things you might want to study: 
Social media - It’s all the rage, yet many people don’t know how to use it to the advantage of their business. Before you dive in, do some reading on the topic or attend an event where you can compare notes with other business owners.
Leadership strategies - If you want your employees to grow and reach new goals, you have to lead them in the right direction. Find new ways to motivate. A good way of doing this is to connect with a fellow business leader you admire and pick their brain or even shadow them for a day.
Sales techniques - Regardless of your role in a company, sales is always part of business. Just because you're not meeting a monthly quota, doesn’t mean you can’t learn more about sales.
Analytics - How carefully are you measuring the ROI of every aspect of your business? Are you sure your campaigns and initiatives are working? Is your website attracting the right kind of traffic? If you don’t have an analytics background, this is a necessary area to get up to speed on.
Technology - Challenge yourself to learn a new technology that will make your business more efficient. Pick something in your business that’s a constant pain and chances are some technology can make it easier.
It’s never too late to learn a new skill, but the truth is you can’t afford to wait.
Resource: Inc.

10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day

They're small things, but each has the power to dramatically change someone's day. Including yours.

Want to make a huge difference in someone's life? Here are things you should say every day to your employees, colleagues, family members, friends, and everyone you care about:
"Here's what I'm thinking."
You're in charge, but that doesn't mean you're smarter, savvier, or more insightful than everyone else. Back up your statements and decisions. Give reasons. Justify with logic, not with position or authority.
Though taking the time to explain your decisions opens those decisions up to discussion or criticism, it also opens up your decisions to improvement.
Authority can make you "right," but collaboration makes everyone right--and makes everyone pull together.
"I was wrong."
I once came up with what I thought was an awesome plan to improve overall productivity by moving a crew to a different shift on an open production line. The inconvenience to the crew was considerable, but the payoff seemed worth it. On paper, it was perfect.
In practice, it wasn't.
So, a few weeks later, I met with the crew and said, "I know you didn't think this would work, and you were right. I was wrong. Let's move you back to your original shift."
I felt terrible. I felt stupid. I was sure I'd lost any respect they had for me.
It turns out I was wrong about that, too. Later one employee said, "I didn't really know you, but the fact you were willing to admit you were wrong told me everything I needed to know."
When you're wrong, say you're wrong. You won't lose respect--you'll gain it.
"That was awesome."
No one gets enough praise. No one. Pick someone--pick anyone--who does or did something well and say, "Wow, that was great how you..."
And feel free to go back in time. Saying "Earlier, I was thinking about how you handled that employee issue last month..." can make just as positive an impact today as it would have then. (It could even make a bigger impact, because it shows you still remember what happened last month, and you still think about it.)
Praise is a gift that costs the giver nothing but is priceless to the recipient. Start praising. The people around you will love you for it--and you'll like yourself a little better, too.
"You're welcome."
Think about a time you gave a gift and the recipient seemed uncomfortable or awkward. Their reaction took away a little of the fun for you, right?
The same thing can happen when you are thanked or complimented or praised. Don't spoil the moment or the fun for the other person. The spotlight may make you feel uneasy or insecure, but all you have to do is make eye contact and say, "Thank you." Or make eye contact and say, "You're welcome. I was glad to do it."
Don't let thanks, congratulations, or praise be all about you. Make it about the other person, too.
"Can you help me?"
When you need help, regardless of the type of help you need or the person you need it from, just say, sincerely and humbly, "Can you help me?"
I promise you'll get help. And in the process you'll show vulnerability, respect, and a willingness to listen--which, by the way, are all qualities of a great leader.
And are all qualities of a great friend.
"I'm sorry."
We all make mistakes, so we all have things we need to apologize for: words, actions, omissions, failing to step up, step in, show support...
Say you're sorry.
But never follow an apology with a disclaimer like "But I was really mad, because..." or "But I did think you were..." or any statement that in any way places even the smallest amount of blame back on the other person.
Say you're sorry, say why you're sorry, and take all the blame. No less. No more.
Then you both get to make the freshest of fresh starts.
"Can you show me?"
Advice is temporary; knowledge is forever. Knowing what to do helps, but knowing how or why to do it means everything.
When you ask to be taught or shown, several things happen: You implicitly show you respect the person giving the advice; you show you trust his or her experience, skill, and insight; and you get to better assess the value of the advice.
Don't just ask for input. Ask to be taught or trained or shown.
Then you both win.
"Let me give you a hand."
Many people see asking for help as a sign of weakness. So, many people hesitate to ask for help.
But everyone needs help.
Don't just say, "Is there anything I can help you with?" Most people will give you a version of the reflexive "No, I'm just looking" reply to sales clerks and say, "No, I'm all right."
Be specific. Find something you can help with. Say "I've got a few minutes. Can I help you finish that?" Offer in a way that feels collaborative, not patronizing or gratuitous. Model the behavior you want your employees to display.
Then actually roll up your sleeves and help.
"I love you."
No, not at work, but everywhere you mean it--and every time you feel it.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. If you're upset, frustrated, or angry, stay quiet. You may think venting will make you feel better, but it never does.
That's especially true where your employees are concerned. Results come and go, but feelings are forever. Criticize an employee in a group setting and it will seem like he eventually got over it, but inside, he never will.
Before you speak, spend more time considering how employees will think and feel than you do evaluating whether the decision makes objective sense. You can easily recover from a mistake made because of faulty data or inaccurate projections.
You'll never recover from the damage you inflict on an employee's self-esteem.
Be quiet until you know exactly what to say--and exactly what affect your words will have.
Resource: Inc.

Be a Master Networker: 5 Rules

Some people are remarkably gifted networkers. They love making connections with and for othersThey make great eye contact, listen intently and make you feel like you’re the very center of their attention (think Bill Clinton). You enjoy meeting them and they leave a lasting positive impression after they’re gone. 
Other people are, frankly, terrible. They’re the ones at an event who glad-hand, elevator pitch, and half-listen as their eyes feverishly scan the room behind you for other, better prospects. They expertly waste their time and yours in the process. Instead of walking away impressed by their social acumen, you leave with an indelible imprint of their boorish behavior and a bad taste in your mouth. 
There’s not a professional alive today who wouldn’t rather be a great networker--because it’s really just about being an excellent communicator and all-around good person and, truly, who wouldn’t want that? 
Here’s what’s worked for me. You can call it the SOCIAL (Search, Offer, Care, Indicate, Ask, Listen) Rule. 
Search for the right one, not everyone.
Networking is not shameless self-promotion to everyone you meet. It is not the professional version of shoving a flier under all the windshields in a parking lot. It’s about finding and meeting the precisely right person for your needs at the time. It involves doing a bit of legwork to identify just who that person might be. It means thinking about what you have to offer that person--not just what they can do for you. 
Offer to help.
Never underestimate your own power. It’s easy to think--especially when we’re less experienced or in the presence of those much more established than we are--that we have nothing to offer. Be confident that’s almost never the case. Be humble enough to offer what you can. Sometimes it’s a perspective that you’re uniquely qualified to give. Perhaps it’s a connection you’d be glad to make. It could be as simple as forwarding an article that would make a highly relevant and useful read for the other person. 
Care what others think.
No, you don’t need to change who you are--the core of yourself--to be an excellent networker. But you should care how you’re perceived. Watch for conversational cues to know when to ask a question, inject a comment or smile, say thanks, and graciously take your leave. Ask trusted friends to tell you about any verbal tics or habits that might make you seem less than professionally graceful. 
Indicate your appreciation.
No one likes a fawning, obsequious toady, not even Michael Scott (“I want them sucking up to me because they genuinely love me.”). But everyone loves a person who is sincerely grateful for their time, advice, constructive criticism, etc. And it’s always a bonus when you get it in written form--some perfectly pithy email or charming handwritten note that, in just a few well-written lines, reminds the recipient exactly why they were so justified in helping you. 
Listen with genuine interest.
No matter who you meet--whether it’s someone who says hello to you at an event or a person you’ve researched extensively--listen with attentive care to what they say. There is no faster or surer way to make a perfect first impression than to listen and ask smart questions. Conversely, there’s no more effective way to tank than to just wait to for your chance to talk. Look at yourself as a journalist; the best ones know that everyone has a great story to tell.
What have been your most memorable networking interactions?
Resource: Inc.

3 Core Principles of Great Leadership

A good leader makes inspiring speeches and has exciting ideas. But a great leader takes action.
Joel Peterson, chairman of JetBlue Airways and founder of Peterson Partners and Peterson Ventures, wrote a post on LinkedIn outlining the importance of a leader's deeds, not words. Here are three of the management principles he lives by as a leader.
Act out your mission.
Peterson says that successful companies act out their mission statement every day. Your company won't fulfill its goals by posting its mission on the walls, and you won't keep your employees motivated in the longterm with just a great speech. As a leader, your actions are what's important. "When companies 'walk their talk' by investing in team members' capabilities, they're likely to inspire both loyalty and commitment," Peterson writes.
Invest in people over product.
An innovative product will help your company get ahead, but without employees who are committed and without customers who trust you, your product will go nowhere. "Great businesses aren't built on products or services--they're built on the people who create and use them," Peterson writes. It's important to invest in your employees' growth and character, as well as your customers' happiness and satisfaction.
Make meaning the endgame.
Your employees need to believe they have meaning and feel like they are working for a greater good. Making money should never be your company's "ultimate endgame," Peterson warns. Successful CEOs rally their troops behind a mission. "If people don't believe their work has meaning, they'll either lose heart or find work elsewhere--at great cost to the companies that can't keep them engaged," he writes.
Resource: Inc.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Complete Evolution of Apple's iOS in One GIF

Resource: mashable

The Most Popular Pictures on Pinterest

Bookshelf Wall

Cozy Scarf

Drawing on Walls


Homemade Photobooth

LinkedIn Customers Claim Company Hacked Email Address Books

Professional network LinkedIn Corp. was sued by customers alleging it appropriated their identities for marketing the site to nonmembers without their consent by hacking into their external email accounts and downloading contacts’ addresses.
The customers, who aim to lead a group suit against the company, asked a federal judge in California to bar LinkedIn from repeating the alleged violations and to force it to return any revenue made by using their identities, according to a court filing made Tuesday.
“LinkedIn’s own Web site contains hundreds of complaints regarding this practice,” they said in the complaint, which also seeks unspecified damages.
Julie Inouye, a spokeswoman for Mountain View, Calif.-based LinkedIn, didn’t immediately return a voice-mail message seeking comment on the suit outside of regular business hours.
The case is Perkins v. LinkedIn Corp., 13-cv-04303, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (San Jose).
Resource: mashable

Friday, September 20, 2013

What to Do Before Downloading iOS 7

Apple is launching its iOS 7 software on Wednesday, and if we've learned anything from major system updates in the past, there will be kinks.
Before you download the new software — which will be pushed to iOS users sometime during the day (we got the iOS 6 notification on our devices around lunchtime last year on the East Coast) — there are a few simple things to do ahead of time in case there are bugs. The last thing you'd want is to have your pictures, music and other files wiped along the way.
To download iOS 7 worry-free, the first step is to back up your data via iCloud. Apple actually backs up the most important data (if using iOS 5 or later) automatically, but the feature has to be enabled. To set this up, visit Settings > iCloud > Backup & Storage. This will back up your iPhone on a daily basis as long as the device's screen is locked, on a Wi-Fi network and connected to power.
But before you download iOS, we suggest doing a manual back up. To do so, follow the same steps as above (Settings > iCloud > Backup & Storage) and then click "Back Up Now."

It will take a bit of time to do a full backup, so just sit tight in the meantime. For those with a ton of data you might not be able to complete the backup — you'll have to either transfer files (photos, etc.) via an Apple connector to a computer, delete a few apps you haven't used in awhile, or make room elsewhere.
You'll probably run into the same issue when trying to update iOS 7 if your device is near storage capacity, so you might want to clean house now.
Another area worth backing up is your iTunes library. Connect your device to a computer to sync with iTunes, but note this might be disabled if you have iCloud backup turned on. RIght-click the device in iTunes under Devices and select Back Up. You can also back it up by clicking the file menu and select Devices > Back Up.
Will you be downloading iOS 7 when it launches or will you be waiting until possible bugs are updated?
Resource from masable

DevFest Phnom Penh 2013 is coming soon!

What is GDG DevFest?

GDG DevFest is an annual series of Google supported and GDG-led events held across many countries, organised by their respective local GDG chapters. Each DevFest comprises of technical sessions centred around Google technologies and platforms.

GDG DevFest is an event about how to develop collaborative app using Google Platform. Here, you can gain insight and network with Googler and Google communities in Cambodia.

For 2013 GDG Phnom Penh aims to showcase the latest trends in Android platform, Google cloud platform, HTML5 & AngularJS and other Google developer technologies & platforms. 

Don't miss the chance to meet awesome speakers and people, learn new things, and be part of the new era of collaboration.

This is happenning everywhere such as GDG Singapore DevFest , GDG Indonesia DevFest.

OUCH! These Are Not What You Think They Are!

At first, the photo seems to depict two fingers, but these are not what you think they are. The photo is actually of a young woman’s legs.

The woman was told to kneel in frozen peas (or possibly dried chickpeas) as a form of torture. This kind of punishment has been used in some cultures to motivate students to behave or to become subservient. This is a viral image going across the internet. Some sources have listed this photo as that of a school girl being punished by her teacher, but others have argued that the picture was sourced from a website for individuals who get a kick out of watching this type of punishment from one to another. Yes folks, believe it or not some get satisfaction by watching others who experience physical pain.

Please do share your thoughts on what you think this is and if this is an acceptable form of dicipline.
Read more at americanlivewire

iOS 7 Now Available for Download

iOS 7 is finally here, available as a free update to owners of iOS devices.
The next generation of Apple’s mobile operating system for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, iOS 7 represents a complete re-imagination of the OS.
Aside from Apple's new iPhone 5S and 5C, iOS 7 is compatible with the iPhone 5, the iPhone 4S, the iPhone 4, the iPad (fourth- and third-generation), the iPad 2, the iPad mini and the fifth-generation iPod touch. To update to iOS 7, visit Settings > General > Software Update on your iOS device. You should see a notification that iOS 7 is available for download.
Redesigned form the ground up, iOS 7 sports a brand-new look, bright colors and a number of new features that make it stand out against previous versions. New features include Control Center, which lets users access your phone’s settings by swiping up from the bottom of the screen; AirDrop, a quick way to send content to iOS users nearby; and smarter multitasking.
If you plan on updating your device today, keep in mind Apple’s servers are going to be working overtime, likely translating into longer-than-normal wait and download times. You can start downloading the update by going to the Settings menu on your phone and then selecting "General" followed by "Software Update."
Be sure to check out guide on what to do before downloading iOS 7 before you start the process to make sure you’re ready to go.
Resource: mashable

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What do you always use in jQuery Code?

We need to ensure that the page is ready before our JavaScript code is executed. Otherwise,
we may get an error when we try to access an element that is not yet loaded. jQuery
provides us with a way to execute the code after the page is ready. It is the following code:

     // code here.

Actually, what we just used is the following codes:
     // code here.

The $ sign is a shortcut for jQuery. When we are calling $(something), we are actually
calling jQuery(something).

      $(function_callback) is another shortcut for the ready event.

It is identical to the following:


Also, identical to:


So, what will you use in your coding jQuery?

20 Motivational Business Quotes to Read Every Morning

Like most entrepreneurs, my office is cluttered with motivational books, approaches and quotes. Some of these quotes are taped to my desk, while others are hanging on the wall to review every hour or so.
Not a day goes by that I don't review the following quotes. It inspires me to focus on what's most important to accomplish during that particular day, and to not get sidetracked by email, tasks or clutter that don't grow the business.
Here are 20 of my favorite quotes. I hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me.

“Out there in some garage is an entrepreneur who’s forging a bullet
with your company’s name on it.”
Gary Hamel, Business Writer
“If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t really trying.”
Coleman Hawkins, Jazz Musician

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable
combination for success.”
Napoleon Hill, Author
“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that
which should not be done at all.”
Peter Drucker
“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for
failure, which is: Try to please everybody.”
Herbert B. Swope, American Journalist

“If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong.”
Charles Kettering, Engineer
“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be
flexible at all times.”
Everett Dirksen
“Without customers, you don’t have a business. You have a hobby.”
Don Peppers & Martha RogersReturn on Customer

“Judge a man by his questions, not by his answers.”
“The minute you’re satisfied with where you are, you aren’t there anymore.”
Tony Gwynn, Hall of Fame Baseball player
“Speed is useful only if you are running in the right direction.”
Joel Barker, Future Edge

“They always say time changes things,
but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol
“An organization becomes bewildered rather than energized
when it’s asked to do too much at once.”
Michael Hammer & James Champy, Reengineering The Corporation

“If you try to do something and fail, you are vastly better off
than if you had tried nothing and succeeded.”
The Back of a Sugar Packet (Anonymous)
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Phil 4:13
Do you read motivational quotes as part of your work day? Do you have any particular sayings that have made a difference in your life?
Author: Joe Pulizzi
Top Image via Bigstock

You can add videos to your LinkedIn profile

Show off the cool stuff you're building by adding videos to your LinkedIn profile. Polychronis shares videos of robots on his profile: See how you can add video to yours:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to Spot a Great Leader in Four Easy Steps

Leadership can be an incredibly hard concept to define and an even harder quality to learn. There are some who argue that great leaders are born but I have always believed that you can learn and develop the necessary skills through hard work and experience.
Not all of us can be leaders, and there are plenty of people who are happy not to be, but it would be foolish to think that leadership is an easy skill to master. The really top people in any field, whether it be business, politics or sport, are constantly examining their performance and most important of all looking at ways to improve and keep standards high.
Here are four signs of what truly marks out the great leaders from the rest of the field.
First and foremost a good leader has to have confidence in themselves and their ability. As a decision maker or chief executive you should never forget that all the people you manage are constantly looking to you for inspiration and guidance and setting an example is a major part of the job description. There is of course a very big difference between confidence and arrogance, and it is important not to cross that line. But you have to ask yourself the question: if you do not have confidence in yourself then how can you ever expect others to place their trust in you?
Some may call this intelligence or even good luck, but I prefer the term intuition. Knowing what course of action to take in any given situation is a great skill to be able to draw on. The ability to react in the right way to changing circumstances is something that usually comes with many years of experience. But those who are just setting out on the journey to becoming leaders can learn very quickly by following the example of people around them who have proven track records.
Speaking from personal experience, it is when times get tough that the best leaders are able to show their true qualities and mettle. It is easy to lead when things are going well and a business is running smoothly. However, the true test of leadership is when an unexpected crisis rears its head. When my first business Alexander Mann started feeling the effects of the recession back in the early 90’s, it came as a real shock. However I knew that in situations like that, staff are looking for reassurance and someone who looks unsure and indecisive is also going to come across as weak. I came in one morning, called everyone together and explained the situation in very stark terms. I then told them the actions we were going to take to try and rectify things. I am not suggesting making reckless decisions without thinking – but every step you take should have an decisive air about it.

The so-called soft skills of management are sometimes overlooked in business and management manuals but I have always seen them as a crucial part of the job. You can have the best product or service and can spend thousand of pounds on things like marketing, but businesses are built on the quality and motivation of the people within. Any good manager needs to be able to understand what makes their people tick and what motivates them. This also helps to build staff loyalty which is a crucial element of running a business. The best leaders are usually the ones who have a good grasp of human nature and behavior.
Author: James Caan